Shab (Movie)
Shab is a 2017 movie directed by Onir, it stars Raveena Tandon, Arpita Chatterjee, Ashish Bisht, Simon Frenay, Gaurav Nanda and Areesz Ganddi. The music for Shab is created by Mithoon with lyrics by Amitabh S. Verma and Mithoon.
Shab is a 2017 movie directed by Onir, it stars Raveena Tandon, Arpita Chatterjee, Ashish Bisht, Simon Frenay, Gaurav Nanda and Areesz Ganddi. The music for Shab is created by Mithoon with lyrics by Amitabh S. Verma and Mithoon.
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